Produktbeskrivning:LNB OCTO 8 Utgångar ger dig möjlighet till 8 anslutna Tuners glöm inte att kompl med xtra Diseqc
Input Frequency (GHz) 10.7 - 11.7 GHz, 11.7 - 12.75
L.O Freq (GHz) 9.75/10.6
Polarization Linear
Accur.&stab. + MHz (@25C) +/- 1
LNB Gain /typ.) dB 50-65
Gain Flatness 0.75dB@36MHz max
7dB@IF p-p max
Pol. & Freq. band control 13/18v 22Khz (standard)
Gain Stability N/A
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) @ 1 KHz - 50
@ 10 KHz - 75
@ 100 KHz - 95
Image Rejection (dBm) -40
Spurious (dBc) -60
1dB compr. Point (min., dBm) 0
Output Connector 75 ohm - F Female
Operating Temperature (oC) -30 to +60
F/D of feed 0.6 - 0.7